Serge Modular (4U)

"Serge Modular" is an analogue modular synthesizer system developed by French composer and electronic designer Serge Tcherepnin, starting in the 1970s at The California Institute of the Arts and continuing to today. Serge's vision to create a "people's synthesizers" led to a unique modular music system with an iconic design.

The latest generation of the Serge modules has been enhanced, updated or even completely redesigned by Serge himself. It combines the original Serge ideas and circuits with the advantages of today's technology. Original dimensions ("4U" panel height) and the typical look and feel of banana jacks, classic knobs and the grid arrangement of panel elements are preserved. The modules on this page are all in the classic Serge dimension ("4U" panel height) - either a quarter panel wide (4x4) or half panel (8x4) - and the typical banana jacks. Various combinations are possible, e.g. 1x 8x4 module plus two 4x4 modules fit in a regular size boat.

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