Haible 20 Pole "Tau Pipe" phaser 2016 Edition

Haible Tau Pipe pcb 2015

20 Poles - built with super-matched THAT300s:

Haible Living VCOs 2015

Tau Audio Samples

Demo of a BCM847 version:

Jürgen Haible's legendary redesign of the Tau "The Pipe" Flanger - actually, a Phaser, using 20 (twenty!) all pass filter stages is back in a slightly modernized version, including some additions and modifications compared to the original Haible board:

  • Transistor arrays (for the 20 poles): pcb supports super-matched THAT300 (DIP) or BCM847DS (SMT).
  • Obsolete CA3046 in the 1/x function generator has been replaced by LM3046 (SMT).
  • MTA-156 power connector for +/-15V added - don't install the onboard-PSU parts if you use +/-15V!!!
  • MTA-156 power connector can also be used for 10 pin Euro power connectors - please note that +/-12V is experimental, not supported (yet), see below!
  • LFO: slow mode option has been added (simply connect L* to UP2 or DOWN1 via SPDT switch).
  • Optional CV mixer/processor has been added (untested!).
  • Connectors have been moved to the edge of the board to allow connecting component pcbs via pin headers - downside: space may be too tight to use normal headers. Workaround: use (breakable) precision sockets for manual wiring or testing.
  • pcb size: 6" x 3.4"

Any information given here is preliminary and subject to change - please compare against Jürgen's original documentation and do not simply rely on the files here.


The pcb is available in different versions:

  1. Bare pcb - can be built using 10 super-matched, low noise THAT300s (DIP) or 20 BCM847DS (SMT) - no components soldered in or contained!
  2. (Only) 1 LM3046 (in SMT) reflow soldered in - can be built using 10 THAT300s (DIP) or 20 BCM847DS (SMT).
  3. 1 LM3046 (in SMT) and 20 BCM847DS transistor arrays reflow soldered in
  4. NEW / LIMITED: 1 LM3046 (in SMT), 20 BCM847DS transistor arrays and 40 C0G caps (1%!!) reflow soldered in

Make sure you check your version before you start building!
Do not install both BCM847DS and THAT300s!

Please note: pcb V1.0 contains an error in the optional (added) CV mixer/processor - pins 5 and 6 of op-amp "UM" are mixed up. This can be fixed by leg-bending and adding a wire as shown here. YOU ONLY NEED THIS FIX IF YOU HAVE THE FIRST VERSION AND WANT TO USE THE CV MIXER / PROCESSOR - otherwise you can simply ignore it.


- only for the 2015/2016 Haible Tau pcb by R*S -
(not for the original Haible board)

NEW: Silkscreen pcb v1.02 with suggested values for 12V!

Silkscreen with reference designators and some important info for v1.01!

Silkscreen with reference designators

Updated Bill of Materials (BOM)

Schematic showing RS1 Schematic showing optional CV Mixer / Processor

Jürgen's original Tau Pipe flanger page

Please inform me by email (or via the contact form) about any errors you find - Thanks!

All information provided is strictly for personal / educational use only.
Please do not distribute / mirror.

Order Info / Disclaimer

A limited number of pcbs is now available. Please not that this is a DIY project designed to be powered by +/-15V (see comments re 12V below!) with a number of options - some sodering and building experience is recommended.

Tau phaser 2016 pcb

Price: € 72 (including LM3046, 20 BCM847DS and 40 C0G 1%(!!!) caps reflow soldered in) - SOLD OUT! -

Price: € 48 (including 1 LM3046 and 20 BCM847DS matched transistors reflow soldered in) - AVAILABLE! -

Price: € 40 (including (only) 1 LM3046 without BCM847DS - use this pcb for THAT300s!) - SOLD OUT! -


NEW: 4U Addon - Haible Tau Phaser in 4x4

Haible Tau 4x4 module

To build your Tau in 4x4 (4U) format, a limited number of front panels and panel pcbs are available. The 4x4 kit takes advantage of the added CV processor and features massively increased CV control: not only the original 1V/Oct, but also a -1V/Oct input and an attenuverting CV input can be used at the same time for crazy Sci-Fi effects and more ...

  • 4x4 Front panel, 2mm aluminum, made in Germany
  • 4" wide panel pcb to avoid wiring (only switches have to be wired)

Price: € 80 (without main Tau pcb!)


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